
Know More About Us!

Technologic Ltd. is a Bulgarian Company established in 2012. The company’s headquarters are in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Since 2013 Technologic is in a wholesale distribution business of fast moving consumer goods, and from March 2020 – PPE products, such as masks, goggles, gloves, shoe covers etc.

Over the years, Technologic has developed a strong client base and supply chain worldwide, as well as a logistics infrastructure that allows for detailed distribution across the world.

Our Mission

Technologic has been growing very dynamically and today offers its Suppliers and Partners much more than standard distribution services. Using only original brand new products and delivering them on time , we provide more than just goods but trust and satisfaction.

The value added, which creates Technologic’s competitive advantage, consists in the continuous expansion of our services in the area of logistics and Partner-supported development and implementation of complementary marketing strategies.

Infection prevention and control measures include, among other measures: hand hygiene, personal protective equipment and waste management materials.

The Protective equipment consists of garments placed to protect the health care workers or any other persons to get infected.
These usually consist of standard precautions: gloves, mask, gown. If it is blood or airborne high infections, will include: Face protection, goggles and mask or faceshield, gloves, gown or coverall, head cover, rubber boots.

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